My son and I have had the privilege of photographing several National Parks. Our photographs were possible because others were willing to share their knowledge with us through books, magazines, and podcasts. It is now time for us to return the favor. We hope the information we provide about our equipment and techniques will help improve your photographic skills. If this is your first visit, please start reading from the bottom of the page. Happy shooting!

Sunday, June 13, 2010

The forgotten manual

Today I purchased a floor stand fan and it came unassembled. I took a quick look at the instruction sheet and went full throttle putting it together. The assembly went fine and it worked when I plugged it in and turned it on. I'm afraid many of us treat our camera manuals the same way. We have a brief look at it before we take off on our first photo shoot. Unfortunately this approach means we miss some of the jewels hidden within those pages. I highly recommend reading your camera manual on a yearly basis (rainy Saturday mornings are a great time). In the next blog I will share with you one of the tips I learned at a seminar but found out the information was in the owners manual all the time.