My son and I have had the privilege of photographing several National Parks. Our photographs were possible because others were willing to share their knowledge with us through books, magazines, and podcasts. It is now time for us to return the favor. We hope the information we provide about our equipment and techniques will help improve your photographic skills. If this is your first visit, please start reading from the bottom of the page. Happy shooting!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

How low can it go

The vast majority of people use their tripod fully extended because it is convenient to see through the cameras viewfinder. I've found that using my tripod somewhere between 6 inches and 2 feet above the ground provides a unique view of the world. It's not easy looking into the viewfinder at that height so someone designed a gadget called a right angle viewer. Simple remove the cameras eyecup and slide the viewer into its place. The viewer can be pointed up, allowing easy viewing of the subject. Give one a try and see what interesting compositions you can create.